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Europe: Industry hopeful over novel foods approval process, survey

Many people working in the nutrition industry feel positive about the EU’s new process for the approval of novel foods, new research by the...

Asia Pacific: Vietnam sells state-owned beer companies, report

The Vietnamese government’s sale of a majority share in the two largest state-run breweries offers foreign brewers to take a stake in the country's...

Americas: Build infrastructure, transfer knowledge for food safety, 3M

Each day, food safety issues gain more relevance and importance throughout Latin American countries. Meanwhile, global markets and international trade bodies are pushing standards and...

Americas: Innovate to avoid ‘villain’ sugar, report

Sugar, just like starch, is a carbohydrate but tops the dietary villains list due to growing health concerns over obesity, diabetes and heart disease,...

Americas: Consumers are confused about whole grain, report

A study of over 16,000 people across the globe by Nestlé Breakfast Cereals reveals that there is significant confusion over how much whole grain...

Americas: The young still like their sweet drinks, report

Although children and adults drank less sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) from 2003 and 2014, researchers find consumption remains high among adolescents and young adults, and...

Europe: Healthy eating remains strong among consumers, report

Healthy nutrition, clean and clear labels, sustainability, convenience, Big Data, and evolving social trends such as eating at home are driving the North American...

Asia Pacific: Vietnam tests new flavors in beer clubs, report

Vietnamese beer drinkers are increasingly picking up premium and superpremium products from shelves, with premium beer consumption rocketing to 10 million hectoliters in 2016,...

Asia Pacific: Improve diets urgently for undernourished people, report

The Asia-Pacific region, home to most of the world's undernourished people, needs urgent action to improve diets and reset its food systems which are...

Asia Pacific: China, India grow in organic sector

Some Asian organic food markets are reporting double-digit growth rates, with regional sales poised to reach US$10 billion in the coming years, finds Ecovia...