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Asia Pacific: Cobots, operators can work together in the factory, states Universal Robots

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the world with more than just a healthcare winter. It is also impacting thousands of businesses worldwide with closures and...

Europe: igus introduces intelligent plain bearings

Bearings maker igus has developed its first isense plain bearing series with five iglidur materials for predictive maintenance of machines. With the intelligent isense...

Europe: Chemometric Brain release cloud-based QC system

Chemometric Brain, a cloud-based software solution, has been launched as a unique quality control system based on a near infrared technology (NIR) to guarantee...

Americas: Intertek Alchemy releases free online course on safety amidst COVID-19

Intertek Alchemy has released a complimentary training course that trains food industry workers how to recognize symptoms, prevent transmission, and effective measures to mitigate...

Europe: Researchers found ways to find data from food quickly

Researchers from the National Food Institute have developed new methods, which make it possible to obtain more data from a food sample with lower...

Americas: Dupont site reduced anhydrous ammonia handling by 90%

DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences New Century Plant in Kansas, US, has been working over the past four years to reduce its footprint of anhydrous...

Europe: Mettler Toledo unveils portable analyzer for beverage, beer processing

Mettler Toledo Process Analytics has launched the InTap portable oxygen analyzer, which samples and measures dissolved and gas oxygen values at-line for control of...

Europe: Mitigating risks, improving food safety with x-ray inspection

Driven by increasingly stringent regulations, headline-making recalls and an emphasis on building a stronger organizational safety culture, food safety remains a top priority and...

Americas: 3M system gets AOAC PTM certification

The 3M Clean-Trace Hygiene Monitoring and Management System for testing food or beverage manufacturing surfaces, has received AOAC Performance Tested Method (PTM) Certificate No....

Asia Pacific: Eagle Product Inspection showcases solutions at ProPak China 2019

Eagle Product Inspection will display its range of x-ray systems at ProPak China in Shanghai from 19 to 21 June, 2019. The systems include: -...