
Colors & Flavors

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Americas: Dessert chain to go natural on colors

Dunkin' Brands Group plans to remove artificial colors from its products in the U.S. As part of its ongoing efforts to offer guests great-tasting,...

Europe: Health snacks are gaining ground, says report

The snacking market is being revolutionised by a consumer backlash against sugar, salt and artificial ingredients, as well as changing lifestyle and personal wellbeing,...

Europe: Positioning chocolate as a healthy snack

The snacking market is being revolutionized by a consumer backlash against sugar, salt and artificial ingredients, as well as changing lifestyle and personal wellbeing,...

Asia Pacific: Rare sugars can help to regulate glucose levels, finds research

Preliminary animal studies have suggested that allulose and other low-calorie, natural rare sugars could help regulate glucose levels. Now, researchers are investigating how they...

Americas: Jackfruit seeds as viable substitutes for cocoa

Compounds found in jackfruit seeds produce many of the same aromas as processed cocoa beans and are a potentially cheap, abundant substitute for use...

Americas: Canadians are mindful about natural sugars, report

A Mintel research reveals that 43% of Canadians who use sugar/sugar substitutes say that whether or not a sugar/sugar substitute is good for baking...

Americas: Yogurt gets spicy, salty, says report

No longer confined to sweet flavors, the yogurt category is rapidly diversifying into a range of new salty and spicy segments. Innovations in savory tastes...

Americas: Foodservice menu for children remain unhealthy, researchers find

US chain restaurants participating in a National Restaurant Association initiative to improve the nutritional quality of their children’s menus have made no significant changes...

Americas: Government-support salt reduction drives are effective, finds report

A new global study projects that a government-supported policy to reduce salt consumption would be highly cost-effective across the world. Based on costs and...

Europe: Apple varieties for juice processing

People who like wine usually develop a preference for a particular grape variety. A similar thing could soon happen with juice drinkers. ‘Variety’ is the...