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Asia Pacific: SIG, DNP enters Japan with filling technology

The 50-50 joint venture DNP • SIG Combibloc is bringing packaging innovation and value-added filling technology to Japan, with SIG’s on-the-go combismile carton pack....

Europe: Tetra Pak, Poka release zero waste tools for factories

Tetra Pak and Poka, a connected factory worker platform, are collaborating to offer workers tools and training to accelerate zero waste processes in food...

Europe: Consumers value sustainable wellbeing, nutrition when buying food and drink, finds Kerry’s study

Kerry's research of 14,000 consumers in 18 countries shows that 49% of consumers are now considering sustainability when buying food and drink and that...

Europe: Bottled water range dons Coveris’ eco shrink film

Highland Spring Group, a UK producer and supplier of natural source waters, has launched its most environmentally sustainable ‘Eco Pack’ to date using Coveris’...

World: Retort packaging demand to soar, pushed by Covid-19 pandemic, urbanization, says report

The retort pouch packaging market is expected to grow at a compound average growth rate of 5.61% during the forecast period from 2020 to...

Asia Pacific: PACKINNO2021 exhibitor showcase

PACKINNO2021, the China (Guangzhou) International Exhibition on Packaging Products, will be held in Guangzhou, China under the theme "Innovation & Green Packaging in the...

Asia Pacific: HPP in processing, preserving food, EU Automation

At the Marianna Trench, the deepest point in the Pacific Ocean, pressure reaches more than 16,000 psi. Astonishingly, pressure generated during Pascalization, or high pressure...

Europe: Connect with consumers with QR codes, Yeo Valley Organic

Britain’s organic brand Yeo Valley Organic has rolled out connected packaging across all products as part of their new ‘Put Nature First’ brand platform. Working...

Europe: Co-create to produce products that sell, says BLC

Bunge Loders Croklaan (BLC) is offering reformulation solutions as food producers in Europe prepare to implement front-of-pack nutrition labels. For instance, the Sweetolin product is...

Americas: Consumers confused about whole grain labels, finds survey

Whole grain labels on cereal, bread, and crackers are confusing to consumers and could cause them to make fewer healthy choices, according to the...