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Americas: High potato intake may increase risk of hypertension, say researchers

A higher intake of potatoes and French fries may be associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) in adults, according to...

Americas: Fabric checks on freshness of fruit

Florida International University (FIU) scientists have created a small strip of coated fabric for consumers to test the freshness of fruit. The research, published in...

Europe: Researchers find strawberries inhibit lab-grown breast cancer cells

A study by European and Latin American researchers has shown that strawberry extract can inhibit the spread of laboratory-grown breast cancer cells, even when...

Americas: MIT invents hand truck for safe deliveries

Delivering beer and other beverages to bars in Boston and other cities with old infrastructure — where many storage cellars have no elevator access...

Europe: Research found detection method for gene-edited crop, Greenpeace

Greenpeace, some non-governmental organizations, non-GMO food associations and a food retailer, announced a public detection method for a gene-edited crop. The new research refutes claims...

Europe: Ingredient found to help babies on formula cry less and sleep more

Infants fed with formula containing INFAT, the SN-2 palmitate ingredient from Advanced Lipids, cry less and sleep more, a clinical study has shown. SN-2 palmitate...

Americas: Evolva supports university research on periodontitis

Evolva has made a donation to the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to support a research initiative aimed at...

Americas: Hops may fend off breast cancer, say researchers

Hops, the flower cones used in beer-making, are found in dietary supplements designed to help treat post-menopausal symptoms and other conditions. Scientists are now...

Americas: DDW scientists find natural colors for best retention in products

DDW’s The Color House has completed research on the stability of natural coloring in two select bakery applications. Scientists at DDW’s research and development laboratory...

Americas: Researchers found tequila plant a possible sweetener for diabetics

A sweetener created from the plant used to make tequila could lower blood glucose levels for people with type 2 diabetes and help in...