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Americas: Eating more greens found to lower type 2 diabetes risk

Consuming a plant-based diet—especially one rich in high-quality plant foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes is linked with substantially lower...

Europe: Food waste could store solar, wind energy

Saving up excess solar and wind energy for times when the sun is down or the air is still requires a storage device. Batteries...

Americas: Major saturated fatty acids may increase risk of heart disease

Consuming high amounts of four major saturated fatty acids — found in red meat, dairy fat, butter, lard, and palm oil— may increase risk...

Americas: Graphene-infused packaging blocks moisture, researchers say

04Plastic packaging might seem impenetrable — and sometimes nearly impossible to remove — but water molecules can still pass through. This permeability to moisture can...

Europe: Research body exhibits cleaning robot for beverage factories at show

Fraunhofer IVV Dresden will present a mobile cleaning robot for the beverage industry at the drinktec fair in Munich, Germany from September 11 to...

Americas: Junk food tax is viable, say researchers

A federal tax on junk food is both legally and administratively feasible, according to researchers at New York University (NYU) College of Global Public...

Americas: Plant-based diet lowers Type 2 Diabetes risk, find Harvard researchers

People who follow predominantly plant-based diets with greater adherence may have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who follow these...

Americas: Study suggests a little wine may be good for kidneys

Moderate wine consumption could help keep the kidneys healthy and may protect the heart in patients who already have kidney disease, according to findings...

Americas: Researchers study pizza baking performance of cheeses using imaging tools

Most consumers have an idea what they want their pizza slice to look like. Golden cheese with that dark toasted-cheese color scattered in distinct blistery...

Europe: DSM, university embarks on nutrition mapping project

DSM and the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) will collaborate on new research to determine how nutrient status is connected to phenotypes. The project will...