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Americas: Bitter taste heightens with illness, finds researchers
New research from the Monell Center reveals that tumor necrosis factor (TNF), an immune system regulatory protein that promotes inflammation, also helps regulate sensitivity...
Asia Pacific: Farmed small fish reduce Bangladesh vitamin A deficiency
A study finds that farming small fish in Bangladesh could save as many as 3000 lives over an 11-year period.
The study focuses on the...
Americas: Bananas can help prevent blindness, say researchers
Carotenoids, which are found at various levels in different banana cultivars, are important vitamin precursors for eye health.
In a study published in American...
Americas: Hops may fend off breast cancer, say researchers
Hops, the flower cones used in beer-making, are found in dietary supplements designed to help treat post-menopausal symptoms and other conditions.
Scientists are now...
Europe: DTU student brews gluten-free beer
In the hunt to manufacture a beer unlike any other, NFI student Mikkel Hansen first tried producing a beer that featured grass from the...
Americas: High intake of saturated fats increases risk of heart disease
Consuming high amounts of four major saturated fatty acids—found in red meat, dairy fat, butter, lard, and palm oil—may increase risk of coronary heart...
Europe: Researchers find strawberries inhibit lab-grown breast cancer cells
A study by European and Latin American researchers has shown that strawberry extract can inhibit the spread of laboratory-grown breast cancer cells, even when...
Growing of fresh produce at home automatically
Purdue University students who developed an automated device to grow vegetables in homes have started a company to commercialize their technology and develop an...
Americas: RBSC enters partnership on yeast research
Renaissance BioScience Corp. (RBSC) has entered into a partnership with Mitacs for a multi-year, US$1.44 million research and development project.
Mitacs, a national not-for-profit...
Europe: Researchers extract more sweetness from lactose
The production of cheese results in large quantities of the by-product whey, which contains both a lot of milk sugar (lactose) and proteins.