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Middle East: South Sudan faces food insecurity, UN agencies warn

Up to 4.8 million people in South Sudan - well over one-third of the population - will be facing severe food shortages over the...

Africa: Malawi gets US$22.6M for malnutrition among children, disease prevention causes

The World Bank has granted Malawi US$22.6 million just over half of which will be used to help curb acute malnutrition in under-five children...

Europe: EU lists main fresh food producers

In the European Union (EU), just over 2.3 million hectares were devoted to the production of fruit and berries and another 2.1 million hectares...

Asia Pacific: Help Sri Lankans trade better, say WTO partners

Improving the capacity of traders to meet food safety and hygiene standards can help to boost exports and improve competitiveness in Sri Lanka, according...

Europe: DSM releases global omega-3 status map

Adults in most regions of the world have a low to very low status of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)...

Americas: Millennials look for freshness, experience at grocerant, states report

Supermarkets are raising the bar on their foodservice offerings and by doing so are attracting the attention of the coveted Millennials, finds The NPD...

Americas: US organic sales worth US$43.3B in 2015

The booming US organic industry posted new records in 2015, with total organic product sales hitting a new benchmark of US$43.3 billion, up 11%...

Europe: FAO reports stable food prices

Global food commodity markets are on a stable path for the year ahead, with solid production prospects and abundant stocks pointing to a broadly...

World: Food insecurity spreads in Pacific, Caribbean states

Drought linked to El Niño and civil conflict have pushed the number of countries currently in need of external food assistance up to 37...

Europe: Gourmet teas in pouches a hot favorite among consumers, finds report

Hot drinks such as tea and coffee are a staple of busy consumers’ lives. However, an apparent lack of time means consumers often turn...