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Europe: Brewhouse won energy award with Ziemann Holvrieka’s concept

Within its initiative Energy Efficiency, the German Energy Agency dena has awarded the Karmeliten Brauerei Karl Sturm with the label ‘Best Practice in Energy...

Europe: CCGB launches stevia-sweetened Coca-Cola Life in the UK

Coca‑Cola Great Britain (CCGB) announces that Coca‑Cola Life, the newest addition to the Coca‑Cola Trademark, will be available across the UK in September 2014. First...

Europe: Bürkert’s calibration and cleaning tool for sensor modules

Bürkert offers an Online Analysis System Type 8905 to measure parameters for producing drinking water. The modular system offers space for up to six sensor...

Europe: Bavaria awards Krones the OHRIS certificate for occupational safety

Krones has been awarded the Occupational Health and Risk Management System (OHRIS) certificate by the Bavarian state government for its commitment to occupational safety. An...

Americas: Brewery’s journey on installing new flooring

When head brewer Jamie Long co-founded his brewery in Harrisonburg, Virginia, US, he knew that a robust floor would be essential to withstand the...

Americas: Soft drink giant phases out equipment with HFCs, commits to climate change initiatives

PepsiCo has announced new goals for phasing out equipment with hydroflourocarbons (HFCs), signing both the Ceres Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy Climate...

Asia Pacific: Detector for wine aroma

A fine wine has an ideal balance of ingredients. Too much or too little of a component could mean the difference between a wine...

Asia Pacific: Thailand approves Dupont Danisco’s fermentates to preserve food

The Thai Food and Drug administration has recently granted regulatory approval to MicroGARD 100 and MicroGARD 200 as food protection ingredients by maintaining product...

Americas: Allpax launches system to protect glass bottles from abrasion in reciprocating retorts

After 12 months of research and development, Allpax introduces a new system for lowering the abrasion of sensitive packaging that is sterilized in reciprocating...

World: JBT Corp wins US$7M contract in the Middle East

John Bean Technologies Corporation has received a contract valued in excess of US$7 million to supply and integrate a new juice processing line for...