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Americas: Omega-3 intake during pregnancy lowers preterm birth

Pregnant women who had low plasma levels of long chain n-3 fatty acids in their first and second trimesters were at a significantly higher...

World: Plant sterol ester of Omega 3 showed positive test results, says Enzymotec

Enzymotec reports positive results from a clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of Vayarol versus Ethyl Esters of Omega 3 (EE, which are the active...

Americas: Plant-based diet lowers Type 2 Diabetes risk, find Harvard researchers

People who follow predominantly plant-based diets with greater adherence may have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who follow these...

Americas: Research finds beetroot juice energizes aging brains

Drinking a beetroot juice supplement before working out makes the brain of older adults perform more efficiently, mirroring the operations of a younger brain,...

Americas: Study finds tart cherry juice helps people with insomnia to sleep better

A morning and evening ritual of tart cherry juice may help you sleep better at night, suggests a study presented at the Experimental Biology...

Americas: Coffee compound may delay onset of Type 2 diabetes

In recent years, researchers have identified substances in coffee that could help quash the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. But few of these...

Europe: Study shows Probi’s probiotics support children’s immune systems

A study shows probiotics from Probi have a suppressing effect on celiac autoimmunity and may delay the onset of the disease in children genetically...

Europe: Peanut allergy prevention strategy is nutritionally safe, states study

Introducing peanut-containing foods during infancy as a peanut allergy prevention strategy does not compromise the duration of breastfeeding or affect children’s growth and nutritional...

Americas: Blueberry extract could help fight gum disease, find researchers

Gum disease is a common condition among adults that occurs when bacteria form biofilms or plaques on teeth, and consequently the gums become inflamed. Some...

Americas: Seniors who eat dark chocolate found to have better stamina, say researchers

Eating dark chocolate could help improve energy levels, raise exercise stamina and improve other measures of heart health in sedentary older adults, according to...