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Americas: Mangos found to benefit blood pressure in women

Two cups of mangoes a day had beneficial effects on systolic blood pressure among healthy postmenopausal women, according to a study conducted by the...

Europe: Working mothers’ brain health boosts with Concord grape juice, finds research

Drinking Concord grape juice daily can benefit certain aspects of memory and everyday tasks in people with stressful lifestyles – specifically working mothers according...

Asia Pacific: Researchers create an alcoholic beverage from soy

A research team from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has successfully turned tofu whey, a liquid that is generated from the production of...

Americas: Competition affects one’s sense of taste, say researchers

Research by Cornell food scientists reveals how a person’s emotional state – particularly in the competitive, wide world of sports – affects the perception...

Americas: “Humanizing’ ageing produce attract consumers, study

'Humanizing' produce can change consumer attitudes toward fresh fruits and vegetables that are showing signs of age, according to research published in the Journal...

World: Plant sterol ester of Omega 3 showed positive test results, says Enzymotec

Enzymotec reports positive results from a clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of Vayarol versus Ethyl Esters of Omega 3 (EE, which are the active...

Europe: More Danes are eating healthily, finds research

More fish and vegetables and less sugar-sweetened soft drinks are some of the new trends that contribute positively to the Danish diet. These are some...

Asia Pacific: Sugar found to be implicated in cardiovascular disease risk, say researchers

University of Otago researchers have uncovered evidence that sugar has a direct effect on risk factors for heart disease, including blood pressure, independent of...

Europe: Barry Callebaut offers four reformulation solutions based on consumer preference

Barry Callebaut is offering reformulation solutions for everyone on all occasions. “By having introduced different variations to the classic formula of chocolate step by step...

Americas: Vitamin K2 in yoghurt found to raise K status

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently published a study that showed Vitamin K2 as MenaQ7 can be delivered and is highly bioavailable through yoghurt...