

Home Reports Page 39

World: DSM study finds consumers enjoy low-sugar yogurt, sugar-free soft drinks

Almost two-thirds of consumers in Argentina, Australia, France, Mexico and the US are concerned about excess sugar, according to DSM’s Global Insights survey. However, the...

Asia Pacific: Malaysia has slower but higher value baby food market, says Canadean

Although the volume of the baby food market in Malaysia only grew marginally over the last few years, the overall value has increased by...

Asia Pacific: Health, rising income, children drive nutraceuticals demand, says Frost & Sullivan

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” said Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Two and a half millennia on, the global nutraceutical...

Europe: Palsgaard reports health check on sustainability efforts in 2014

During 2014, Palsgaard said it has made significant progress in addressing environmental sustainability, a challenging ambition in an industry where production of high-quality emulsifiers...

Asia Pacific: India’s food industry to reach US$300B this year

The Indian food industry is growing at a compound annual growth rate of 5.1% and is expected to reach US$300 billion by 2015, according...

Asia Pacific: Asians read labels, like natural claims, finds Ingredion research

Clean label is as much on the radars of consumers in Asia Pacific as in many other parts of the world, according to an...

World: Cider demand grows with new products, finds report

An additional 640 million liters of cider will be consumed worldwide over the next five years, finds a Canadean report. The total volume of the...

Americas: Antibiotic resistance in foodborne germs is an ongoing threat, says CDC

Antibiotic resistance in foodborne germs, an ongoing public health threat, continued to show both positive and challenging trends in 2013, according to human illness...

World: Natural flavors to grow ahead of synthetics, finds report

The global flavors market will reach US$15.2 billion by 2020 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3% from 2015 to 2020, according...

Americas: Avian flu in US to cost nearly US$310M, says analyst

Losses in poultry production and related businesses due to avian influenza are estimated at US$309.9 million in Greater Minnesota, according to a newly released...