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Asia Pacific: Processed food demand to grow CMC market, finds report

The carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) market is expected to grow from an estimated US$1.15 billion in 2014 to US$1.46 billion by 2020, with a compound...

Europe: Married people eat better than singles, finds study

Numerous studies have shown that marriage is good for health. A team of researchers from the University of Basel and the Max Planck Institute for...

World: East Asians drink less beverages than people from elsewhere, finds study

Data on beverage intakes in 187 countries reveal diversity in existing intakes and trends in global consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit juices and milk. A...

Americas: More consumers are shunning soda in diet, finds report

Consumers in the US are more likely to say they actively try to avoid including soda or pop in their diet than 14 other...

Americas: Serve the booming solo eaters market, says analyst

Single-person households in the US are 38 million strong and growing, which have an impact on snacking in terms of eating behaviors, packaging, and...

Europe: Flexible packaging to outdo traditional materials, finds report

The global flexible food packaging market for retail packed food is set to reach close to 800 billion pack units in 2018, as consumers...

World: Survey finds consumers in developing markets favor green packaging

In a global survey of 6,000 consumers from 12 countries, more than three-quarters claimed that environmentally sound packaging has an influence on the beverage...

Americas: Younger US consumers are eating more fresh food, finds analyst

The percent of all in-home eating occasions that include fresh foods, like fruit, vegetables, and dairy items, is almost back to levels seen 30...

Asia Pacific: Pea protein demand may alter production dynamics, says analyst

The global production of whole yellow pea in 2014 amounted to nine million metric tons, valued at US$3.05 billion, according to a Frost &...

Americas: Global tea market to grow due to health-conscious consumers

The global tea market is expected to grow from 2014 to 2020 due to rising demand from a growing segment of the population for...