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Americas: Ganedean Biotech receives US patent on use of probiotic in coffee, tea, cereal

Ganeden Biotech has received a US patent that covers the use of all Bacillus coagulans, including GanedenBC30, in all coffee, tea and cereal. The company...

Asia Pacific: Biothera gains approval for immune booster, names distributor in South Korea

Biothera has selected Naturalendo Tech as its exclusive distribution partner in South Korea, following Naturalendo’s successful effort to secure regulatory approval for Wellmune. Wellmune WGP...

Asia Pacific: Hong Kong’s Center for Food Safety reduces certain fees for small volume...

Hong Kong has reduced the fees for applications for small volume exemption (SVE) from Nutrition Labelling, if they have been submitted through electronic means...

Europe: FSAI advises against any further folic acid food fortification

At the International Conference on Homocysteine at Trinity College Dublin (TCD), a representative from the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) said there would...

Americas: Canadian approval of GE salmon egg production draws sharp criticism

The Center for Food Safety has denounced the Canadian government’s decision to approve commercial production of genetically engineered (GE) salmon eggs on Prince Edward’s...

Asia Pacific: Australia approves Life Technologies’ food pathogen detection methods

The Australian Government, Department of Agriculture has approved Life Technologies’ MicroSEQ Real-Time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) workflow as an approved test method to detect...

Europe: EFSA’s assessment on aspartame concludes sweetener is safe at current levels of exposure

Aspartame and its breakdown products are safe for human consumption at current levels of exposure, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concludes in its...

Europe: Roquette receives favorable opinion from EFSA

Roquette has received a favorable opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concerning a 13.5 health claim, which relates to the company’s NUTRIOSE...

Europe: COT publishes position paper on aspartame study

UK-based Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer products and the Environment (COT) has peered reviewed a double blind randomized crossover study of...