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Tag: Americas

Americas: Packaging machines demand soar as market conditions improve, report

Improved economic conditions in emerging nations, changing dietary preferences globally, and a rising demand for nutritious and ready-to-eat food products are driving demand for...

Americas: Plant-based foods on the rise, report

Eight in 10 US survey respondents have changed their or their family’s diet to try to be healthier, with over 39% of them have...

Americas: Givaudan launches platform for businesses

Givaudan has launched MISTA to enable start-ups and corporations to optimize ideas, products, people and investments. Located in San Francisco, US, MISTA will open its...

Americas: IFF company’s 90 natural extracts are certified vegan

IFF-LMR, a subsidiary of International Flavors & Fragrances said its 90 natural extracts in its portfolio are certified vegan by the EVE (Expertise Vegan...

Europe: Optimizing plant performance with new service, Tetra Pak

The newly launched Tetra Pak Plant Secure is a total plant management service that is poised to boost customer profitability. Ian Hughes, director service operations,...

Americas: A tray that both cooks and serve a barbecue rib...

Traditional packaging of barbecue ribs for retailers and consumer preferences for a fuss-free cooking and cleaning have resulted to a packaging that cooks in...

Americas: Meal kits offer the convenience that consumers want

When meal kit subscription services came on the scene a few years back, they stirred up a lot of buzz and consumers gave them...

Americas: CP Kelco releases gelling agent for dairy applications

CP Kelco releases the Genu Explorer Pectin ND-200, a label-friendly food ingredient solution designed for neutral pH dairy desserts. The gelling agent is for formulators...

Americas/Europe: Consumers want to eat more fish, report

More residents in the US and UK would like to consume more fish, according to new research from Cargill. In its latest Feed4Thought survey, Cargill...

Americas: Dairy fat consumption linked to lower risk of type 2...

Higher levels of biomarkers of dairy fat consumption are associated with lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to new research published recently...