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Keep your food factory going with new systems, technologies and equipment.

Asia Pacific: Recovering CO2 to grow tomatoes

AGL Energy Limited and Air Liquide have commissioned a plant at its Torrens Island power station in the South Australian capital Adelaide to recover...

Europe: Ecolean releases compact filling machine

Ecolean announces the EL2+, an upgraded filling machine for chilled distribution portion-sized packages. The compact filling machine has five fillers and a redesigned servo system...

Europe: More UK consumers buy grocery online

Sales of online grocery retailing in the UK is forecast to reach £11.1 billion (US$14.44 billion) in 2017, up from an estimated £9.9 billion...

Europe: Sensor technology on shelf life of fish

A sensor that can register smoke from a fire can also be used to register even the faintest odor of bad fish. This is...

Europe: Real-time alerts for perishable products

OCEASOFT releases the OCEAlert that enhances cold-chain monitoring and as an automated real-time alert generation solution for protecting sensitive and perishable products. It allows managers...

Americas: Shimadzu releases gas chromatograph

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments introduces the Nexis GC-2030 gas chromatograph (GC), allowing the user to remotely connect to the GC via PC or the operator’s...

Europe: Finland validates DSM’s antibiotic residue test for milk

A report by Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira has validated DSM Food Specialties’ Delvotest T antibiotic residue test for milk. Based on tests in the...

Americas: Fabric checks on freshness of fruit

Florida International University (FIU) scientists have created a small strip of coated fabric for consumers to test the freshness of fruit. The research, published in...

Americas: Thermo Scientific releases solutions for quantitative workflows

Thermo Fisher Scientific releases two products for analytical laboratories to obtain high quality data from targeted quantitation applications in the environmental, food safety, pharmaceutical...

Europe: Potato processor saves QC labor with digital sorters

Ireland's Keogh’s Crisps and UK's Burts Chips have found Key Technology’s Optyx digital sorters useful in the production of batch-fried potato chips/crisps. Identifying color and...