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Europe: Dairy sector drives consumer engagement in the day, says analyst

Daypart targeting, in which brands pitch products for consumption at particular times of the day, and high-protein products are two of the key trends...

Americas: Consumers snack and still have main meals, finds report

Contrary to popular belief that Us consumers snack, they still eat three main meals a day, reports The NPD Group. While US consumers snack a...

World: Milk alternatives to flourish, finds report

The market for white milk, which is defined as packaged, unflavoured milk from all animals, is set to decline in much of the developed...

Americas: US Boomers eat 90.4B ready-to-eat snack eatings a year, says report

Boomers eat ready-to-eat snack food 20% more often than Millennials do, according to NPD Group’s daily tracking of US consumers snacking habits. While Millennials overtook...

Americas: Mixed definition of ‘clean’ on labels among consumers, finds survey

'Clean label' continues to be the on-trend fast-moving consumer goods buzzword but there is a lack of consensus over what 'clean' really means to...

Americas: Supermarket stores see success in prepared foods counters, finds study

  Most supermarket stores (64%) witnessed prepared foods category growth of 9% or higher in 2014, according to a survey conducted by Food Marketing Institute...

Europe: Report outlines circular future for plastics

Applying circular economy principles to global plastic packaging flows could transform the plastics economy and drastically reduce negative externalities such as leakage into oceans,...

Americas: Consumers found to be more mindful about taking sugar

The US Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are released every five years, were issued last week and one of the new guidelines’ strongest recommendation...

Americas: US demand for fresh ingredients thawing frozen foods growth

The growing demand for fresh products or, at least, fresher products in refrigerated rather than frozen form is challenging the US frozen foods sector,...

Americas: Fragmented market, novelty grow niche brands

The massive fragmentation of consumers’ beliefs about health is contributing to the break-up of traditional food and beverage market, says Julian Mellentin, director of...