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Americas: Curcumin found to improve memory, mood

Daily consumption of a certain form of curcumin — the substance that gives Indian curry its bright color — improved memory and mood in...

Asia Pacific: Blueberry vinegar could boost brain health in mice

Blueberry vinegar could restore cognitive function in mice, according to a report in American Chemical Society's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Recent studies have...

Middle East: Tomatoes seen as healthy, survey

Tomatoes have a powerful association with health and are seen as the star ingredient of the Mediterranean Diet, according to a survey by Lyocred...

Europe: Industry hopeful over novel foods approval process, survey

Many people working in the nutrition industry feel positive about the EU’s new process for the approval of novel foods, new research by the...

Americas: Consumers are confused about whole grain, report

A study of over 16,000 people across the globe by Nestlé Breakfast Cereals reveals that there is significant confusion over how much whole grain...

Europe: Healthy eating remains strong among consumers, report

Healthy nutrition, clean and clear labels, sustainability, convenience, Big Data, and evolving social trends such as eating at home are driving the North American...

Asia Pacific: Improve diets urgently for undernourished people, report

The Asia-Pacific region, home to most of the world's undernourished people, needs urgent action to improve diets and reset its food systems which are...

Europe: Wholegrains found to fight against inflammation

When overweight adults exchange refined grain products – such as white bread and pasta – with whole grain varieties, they eat less, they lose...

Americas: Holista releases low GI noodles

Holista CollTech has developed a noodle formula certified to have a recorded Glycemic Index (GI) reading of 38 in independent tests conducted by Glycemic...

Americas: Blueberries may improve attention in children

Primary school children could show better attention by consuming flavonoid-rich blueberries, following a study conducted by the University of Reading. In a paper published in...