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Americas: Tostitos Rolls! tortilla chips launched to add fun to snacking

PepsiCo's Frito-Lay division has launched Tostitos Rolls! tortilla chips that each has a tube-like shape and hearty crunch for dipping and dunking with dips...

Europe: Cabka-IPS releases lightweight beverage pool pallet

Cabka-IPS' BPP i9 beverage pool pallet is made of recycled high-density polyethylene and weighs 23 kg, which is about half as much as a comparable...

Americas: ADM launches reduced sodium technologies for meat, ready meal applications

ADM releases SaltTrim product range for sodium reduction in meat applications by up to 30%. For example, Sea SaltTrim is based on sea salt and...

Americas: Consumer consumption behavior challenges manufacturers

Evolving attitudes and behaviors are creating shifts in the foods and beverages consumers choose. Consumers in the US are using fewer dishes and ingredients in...

Europe: UK opens facility for reporting on food crime

Food Standards Agency (FSA) said the National Food Crime Unit has launched Food Crime Confidential, a reporting facility where anyone with suspicions about food...

Americas: Flexible labeling system for multiple products under one roof

Kanani Foods has realized 94% savings in its labor cost by taking control of its label production.  Located in Las Vegas, Nevada, US, Kanani Foods...

Americas: Fonterra retails Anchor products in Puerto Rico

Fonterra has made its first consumer sales into Puerto Rico, with the launch of its Anchor and Mainland brands into the market. "Both the Anchor...

Asia Pacific: Kerry Logistics to serve Maxim’s Group

Kerry Logistics will provide integrated logistics services to Maxim’s Group including cold chain solutions, supporting the caterer’s 780 outlets in Hong Kong and key...

Americas: Researchers find large food portion sizes prevail in five countries studied

A new multi-country study finds that large, high-calorie portion sizes in fast food and full service restaurants is not a problem unique to the...

Europe: RPC Bebo Plastik develops safe, convenient packaging for spreadable products

Meeting the dual needs of the convenience of re-closing and the reassurance of tamper-evidence, RPC Bebo Plastik has developed a new pack solution for...