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Americas: Study shows key chocolate ingredients could help prevent obesity, diabetes

Scientists are researching on the ingredients in chocolate that might help prevent obesity, type-2 diabetes and potential health benefits such as improved thinking, decreased...

Americas: Whey beneficially affects diabetes, cardiovascular disease risk factors in obese adults, say researchers

New evidence shores up findings that whey protein, which is found in milk and cheese, could have health benefits for people who are obese...

Asia Pacific: Chinese researchers create color-coded smart tag for food safety

A color-coded smart tag could tell consumers whether a carton of milk has turned sour or a can of green beans has spoiled without...

Europe: Study finds breastfeeding promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in baby’s gut

The nutritional factor that has the greatest impact on the development of a child's gut flora is whether the child is breastfed, according to...

Europe: 3D modeling of food can potentially improve, vary products

In the long term, research into three dimensional (3D) models of food and beverages will contribute to greater variation and improved quality in foods,...

Europe: Glucose found to fuel Salmonella’s invasion into human bodies, say researchers

Certain strains of Salmonella bacteria such as Salmonella Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) are among of the most common causes of food-borne gastroenteritis. Other strains of Salmonella...

Americas: Researchers found tequila plant a possible sweetener for diabetics

A sweetener created from the plant used to make tequila could lower blood glucose levels for people with type 2 diabetes and help in...

Americas: Honey is a new approach to fighting antibiotic resistance, say researchers

Honey could be a solution to the serious, ever-growing problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, said researchers. Medical professionals sometimes use honey successfully as a...

Americas: Better-tasting, reduced-fat desserts, dressings, sauces may be a reality, say researchers

Adjusting the calcium level and acidity could be the key to developing new better-tasting, more eye-appealing and creamier reduced-fat sauces, desserts and salad dressings...

Asia Pacific: Researchers show 3D modeling technology can help create food sensations

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) demonstrated its three dimensional (3D) mastication modelling in Melbourne, Australia on April 15, 2014. The modeling is...