World: Asia, US invest in creating market-ready bioplastics products, finds report
Bioplastics production capacity is set to increase from around 1.6 million tons in 2013 to approximately 6.7 million tons by 2018, according to the...
Europe: German show highlights Internet of Things, Industry 4.0
The digitization of production has set in motion a comprehensive change in automation that many experts already refer to as the fourth industrial revolution.
World: GCC countries rely on food imports, finds report
Marginal farming activities owing to limited water resources and climatic conditions, make Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries primarily dependent on food imports.
According to...
Asia Pacific: Age, life stages to boost India’s spice market
Canadean forecasts the volume of the Indian herbs, spices and seasonings market to grow by 14% between 2013 and 2018.
It says the two most...
Americas: Study shows traditional fresh food retailers remain important
Consumers are changing how they shop for food and beverages.
Some shifts, such as a marked increase in fresh food purchases, benefit traditional ‘brick-and-mortar’ retailers...
Europe: UK seniors consume more fats and oil than other groups, finds report
The market for olive oil is the fastest growing in the oil and fats market in the UK, and has the potential to appeal...
Europe: Secret snacking found to break diets among UK consumers, finds survey
The rise of obesity levels has led to a huge boost in the number of people dieting in the UK, finds a survey of...
Asia Pacific: Partner with companies, agencies, institutions to capitalize on nutraceutical markets, finds FNI
Amidst the rising costs of healthcare, there is a shift from treatment to prevention via health and wellness achieved through proper nutrition and usage...
Americas: More men are found to shop for groceries than before, finds report
More men are grocery shopping for themselves or their families now than in the past, but they are not happy about it, according to...
Americas: Consumers value packaging in e-commerce order fulfilment, finds survey
With continued growth in e-Commerce, retailers need to take a closer look at their packaging for fulfilling online orders, according to new data from...