Key executives share their successes, learning points, market trends and research findings here.
Americas: Studies show almonds as a viable snack option
Almond-related research studies were presented at the American Society of Nutrition (ASN)’s Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with Experimental Biology 2014...
Asia Pacific: Researcher looks to Emu oil to cut bowel cancer rates
A researcher in Perth, Australia, is investigating whether emu oil can be taken orally to treat bowel diseases that can lead to the onset...
Europe: Study shows cyclists experience less inflammation and oxidative stress after drinking tart cherry...
Cyclists who drank Montmorency tart cherry juice concentrate before a three-day simulated race experienced less inflammation and oxidative stress compared to those who drank...
Americas: Kemin’s spearmint extract may be beneficial for cognitive health and performance, finds study
A human study conducted by Biofortis, a global contract research organization, suggests that the use of a patent-pending spearmint extract containing phenolic complex K110-42...
Americas: Study suggests a little wine may be good for kidneys
Moderate wine consumption could help keep the kidneys healthy and may protect the heart in patients who already have kidney disease, according to findings...
Americas: Study shows key chocolate ingredients could help prevent obesity, diabetes
Scientists are researching on the ingredients in chocolate that might help prevent obesity, type-2 diabetes and potential health benefits such as improved thinking, decreased...
Americas: Whey beneficially affects diabetes, cardiovascular disease risk factors in obese adults, say researchers
New evidence shores up findings that whey protein, which is found in milk and cheese, could have health benefits for people who are obese...
Asia Pacific: Chinese researchers create color-coded smart tag for food safety
A color-coded smart tag could tell consumers whether a carton of milk has turned sour or a can of green beans has spoiled without...
Europe: Study finds breastfeeding promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in baby’s gut
The nutritional factor that has the greatest impact on the development of a child's gut flora is whether the child is breastfed, according to...
Europe: 3D modeling of food can potentially improve, vary products
In the long term, research into three dimensional (3D) models of food and beverages will contribute to greater variation and improved quality in foods,...