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World: Survey finds natural claims on pack boosts consumerism

Natural color solutions can provide food and beverage manufacturers with a major edge over their competitors. By removing artificial and additive colors, manufacturers can meet...

Europe: Study finds differences in how body metabolizes folic acid supplements, natural forms of...

A new study has shown that synthetic folic acid, the form taken in folic acid supplements we can buy over the counter, is not...

Europe: Study proves naturality of high-purity stevia leaf extract sweeteners

New research published in the International Journal of Food Science and Technology found steviol glycosides are not altered during the extraction and purification process...

Europe: Crown exhibits packaging possibilities at show

Crown Aerosols and Specialty Packaging Europe showcased light emitting diode to packaging at Packaging Innovations in London, UK from September 16 to 17, 2015. It...

Europe: Givaudan reports 3.7% increase in sales

Givaudan Group full year sales were CHF4,404 million (US$4,782.30 million), an increase of 3.7% on a like-for-like basis and 0.8% in Swiss francs when...

Europe Denmark releases tool to check for harmful chemical substances

The (Quantitative) Structure–Activity Relationship or (Q)SAR database, a new database containing more than 600,000 chemical structures enables companies to quickly get an overview of...