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Americas: 3D food printing could change the food industry, says professor

The use of three dimensional (3D) printers has the potential to revolutionize the way food is manufactured within the next 10 to 20 years,...

Americas: Vitamin A found to direct immune cells to the intestines

A key set of immune cells that protect the body from infection would be lost without directions provided by vitamin A, according to a...

Americas: Competition affects one’s sense of taste, say researchers

Research by Cornell food scientists reveals how a person’s emotional state – particularly in the competitive, wide world of sports – affects the perception...

Americas: MIT commercializes coating to reduce wastage

MIT has licensed nonstick coating LiquiGlide to Norwegian consumer-goods producer Orkla to use the LiquiGlide’s coating for mayonnaise products sold in Germany, Scandinavia, and...

Americas: Research shows sugary drinks a cause of death worldwide

The consumption of sugary drinks may lead to an estimated 184,000 adult deaths each year worldwide, according to research published in the journal Circulation...

Europe: EuroMix project to develop testing tools on chemical intake

A total of 22 European partners and four associated partners from outside the European Union (EU) will work together to develop a test strategy...

Europe: Researchers find fructose produces less rewarding sensations in the brain

Fructose results in a lower level of satiety and stimulates the reward system in the brain to a lesser degree than glucose. This may cause...

Europe: DSM launches online campaign to celebrate scientists

DSM launches the Science Can Change The World campaign to celebrate scientists who are helping to change the world for the better. The campaign kicks...

Europe: Patented RiFiber shows dose-dependent reduction in benign tumor cells in mice

A study by University of Leicester researchers finds potential mechanisms for reducing the development of intestinal adenomas through consumption of rice bran and rice...

Americas: Study finds decreased social anxiety among young adults who eat fermented foods

Young adults who eat more fermented foods have fewer social anxiety symptoms, with the effect being greatest among those at genetic risk for social...