Agricultural commodity prices experienced a series of dramatic surges between 2008 and 2012, sparking food riots in several countries.
While prices have become less volatile and are now steadily declining, they remain higher than the levels prevailing in the 1990s.
The impact of such price trends on sustainable development, including food and nutrition security, incomes and trade, especially in developing countries, is the focus of a Ministerial Meeting to be held on October 3, 2016, at FAO’s Rome headquarters.
Agriculture and Trade Ministers from 20 countries and other high-level officials and experts will share their views and experiences, and to discuss specific policy implications related to the long-term behavior of agricultural prices, including possible periodic spikes.
Participants will also consider the current decline in agricultural commodity prices in the context of the international community’s efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva will open the meeting, which will also include four roundtable discussions.
These will explore several themes including trade policy responses to challenges such as climate change, malnutrition, and commodity dependence, as well as the current status of the trade policy environment for food and agriculture Summaries of the roundtables will be presented during the meeting’s closing session.