Home Americas Americas: ADM buys vanilla supplier

Americas: ADM buys vanilla supplier

ADM has bought Rodelle, a premium originator, processor and supplier of vanilla products.

Through the acquisition, ADM plans to offer its customers “a range of certified organic and natural vanilla products unmatched in the industry”, according to Scott Olstad, president of ADM’s North American WILD Flavors business.

Rodelle, founded in 1936 and based in Fort Collins, Colorado, originates, processes and sells premium vanilla products, including organic and traditional extracts, beans, alcohol-free flavor and paste.

The company also sells non-vanilla products, including flavorings, extracts, spice blends and organic spices.

In Madagascar, the company owns a stake in Federation Sahanala Vanille — a joint venture between Rodelle and a partnership of local associations that now includes more than 2,100 registered vanilla farmers — and is capable of producing industry-leading volumes of certified organic vanilla.

Rodelle also has a partnership with Gourmet Gardens, providing sourcing of vanilla in Uganda.

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