Tag: Research
World: Diet quality wans despite higher income, finds researchers
Overall diet quality worsened across the world even as consumption of healthier foods increased in many countries, according to an analysis of worldwide dietary...
World: Africa should improve output of tree, root crops not mimic...
African countries cannot blindly adopt food policy initiatives that spurred the Green Revolution in Asia as a way to promote agricultural development, according to...
Europe: Chr Hansen joins in project on wine production
A new four-year project has received a grant of €4 million (US$4.47 million) from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions European Training Network within the European...
Europe: Infants can eat peanuts safely, finds allergen study
An introduction of peanut products into the diets of infants at high risk of developing peanut allergy was safe and led to an 81%...
Americas: Mintel releases five trends in US food industry
A look at the major food and drink trends occupying American dinner tables in 2015 tell the story of healthy lifestyles, 'clean' ingredients, at-home...
Europe: NattoPharma says study on vitamin K2 product published in journal
NattoPharma says a study proving MenaQ7 Vitamin K2´s cardiovascular benefits has published in Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
In the study titled Menaquinone-7 Supplementation Improves Arterial Stiffness...
Americas: Scrutinize how food safety risks emerge in food factories, Mars...
Scientists from IBM Research and Mars, Incorporated have established the Consortium for Sequencing the Food Supply Chain, a collaborative food safety platform that will...
Europe: DSM, Kemin study confirms efficacy of eye-healthy ingredients
The regular intake of lutein and zeaxanthin can be beneficial for improving vision in young, healthy people, according to a study sponsored by DSM...
Americas: Certain US retail delis tested positive for L. monocytogenes, finds...
Purdue University research shows that standard cleaning procedures in retail delis may not eradicate Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, which can cause a potentially fatal disease...
Europe: Danish start-up invents chip to measure flow of liquid products
A Technical University of Denmark (DTU) inventor and his partner have started their own business based on a microfluid chip that measures the flow...