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Asia Pacific: Consumers are connected online, finds Tetra Pak report

Asia Pacific accounted for 70% of total growth in global Internet users, 62% of the growth in social media users, and 64% of the...

Americas: Meal kit delivery services information online

Packaged Facts has created a free all-in-one Meal Kit Delivery Services page online. The page includes industry insights, blog posts, infographics, press releases, videos, and...

Americas: Consumers will splurge on sustainable seafood, Cargill

While 82% of Americans surveyed are adding salmon, shrimp and tilapia to their plates, they want to know where it’s coming from and that...

Europe: Wine technology galore at SIMEI@drinktec

For the first time, SIMEI@drinktec—the international exhibition for winery and bottling machinery—will take place as part of drinktec. There will be more than 200...

Americas: Potential for purple-produce containing products, report

Just 18% of Americans can name more than three types of purple fruits and vegetables, according to consumer research commissioned by Welch’s in 2016. This...

Americas: Cost deters consumer from buying organic food

A Mintel report reveals that 50% of consumers say they are most likely to purchase organic fresh produce such as fruit and vegetables, compared...

Europe: Preventing mineral-oil migration into food

While consumers can do very little to prevent mineral-oil components - MOSH and MOAH - residues, the food industry has responded by introducing minimization...

Europe: Chicken, poultry products highest on recall list

Recalls of chicken and other poultry meats are at their highest level since 2002, according to a Stericycle ExpertSOLUTIONS report. This is despite poultry overtaking...

Europe: Germany’s love for traditional game meat

A TÜV SÜD survey examines how adventurous meat-eaters in Germany are when it comes to more unusual types of meat from animals such as...

Americas: Chilled dairy alternatives threatens traditional products

There’s a battle brewing in the food and beverage industry, a regulatory skirmish in both Europe and the United States over dairy alternative marketers’...