Americas: US FDA gives three years for industry to remove PHOs from products

The US Food and Drug Administration said partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), the primary dietary source of artificial trans fat in processed foods, are not 'generally recognized as safe' or GRAS for use in human food. Food manufacturers will have three years to remove PHOs from products. “The FDA’s action on this major source of artificial trans fat demonstrates the agency’s...

Americas: Study finds decreased social anxiety among young adults who eat fermented foods

Young adults who eat more fermented foods have fewer social anxiety symptoms, with the effect being greatest among those at genetic risk for social anxiety disorder as measured by neuroticism, finds researchers at the College of William and Mary (W&M), as well as University of Maryland School of Social Work. The journal Psychiatry Research accepted the study in April for...

Asia Pacific: IoT for mobile, connected workforce, states Zebra Technologies

The three trends of mobility in the workplace, cloud-based applications and the Internet of Things (IoT) are going to transform the way enterprises operate and enhance customer experiences. Market leaders in the food and beverage manufacturing and logistics industry will leverage these trends to develop better products, maintain quality and ensure happier customers. Cold supply chains have come a long way...

Asia Pacific: Chinese brands use OPO in infant milk formula for differentiation, Enzymotec tells FNI

Advanced Lipids, the 50-50 joint venture company of AAK and Enzymotec, in October 2104 has introduced 16 products containing INFAT in Europe, Oceana and Asia. INFAT is a sn-2 Palmitate (OPO) fat ingredient, produced by a patented enzymatic process that resembles the composition, structure and nutritional value of breast milk. "If you look at the breast milk composition, you will see...

Europe: Lakeland Dairies pack milk in StickPacks from IMA Hassia machinery

Ireland’s Lakeland Dairies installed its second aseptic StickPack form/fill/seal machine manufactured by IMA Hassia for packaging ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk in its Killeshandra production site. The machines run in three-shift operation with 12 lanes and produce 43,000 StickPacks per hour, each. The dairy ordered another aseptic StickPack machine. The machine sterilizes the flat foil on all sides using active packaging degermination (germs eradicated...

Asia Pacific: Asians read labels, like natural claims, finds Ingredion research

Clean label is as much on the radars of consumers in Asia Pacific as in many other parts of the world, according to an online study Ingredion conduct in March 2015. Conducted across 17 countries; including China, Japan and Australia, the study provides insights into consumer perceptions of ingredients, labels and product positioning. Since 2011, the company has been conducting the...

Americas: Carotenoid levels in breast milk vary by country, diet, finds researcher

A Purdue University-led analysis of breast milk concludes that levels of health-promoting compounds known as carotenoids differ by country, with the US lagging behind China and Mexico, a reflection of regional dietary habits. Carotenoids are plant pigments that potentially play functional roles in human development and are key sources of vitamin A, an essential component of eye health and the...

Americas: Daily sugar-sweetened beverage may increase liver disease, say researchers

A daily sugar-sweetened beverage habit may increase the risk for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), according to researchers from the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (USDA HRNCA) at Tufts University. Reported in the Journal of Hepatology, the researchers analyzed 2,634 self-reported dietary questionnaires from mostly Caucasian middle-aged men and women enrolled in the National Heart Lunch...

Europe: New screening method to analyze paper packaging materials

A PhD project at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, has resulted in a method for faster analysis of chemicals in paper and board food packaging materials. Paper and board is used extensively in food packaging materials such as in baking paper, microwave popcorn bags and cereal packaging, which come into direct contact with the food. Despite the extensive...

Asia Pacific: Barry Callebaut, GarudaFood Group sign supply agreement in Indonesia

17Barry Callebaut Group will supply 10,000 tons of compound chocolate per year to GarudaFood’s biscuit factory in Gresik (Province of East Java), Indonesia. Barry Callebaut plans to increase the capacity significantly over the next three years. The two companies signed the agreement recently, which the collaboration will begin in mid-2016. Barry Callebaut will take over some of the manufacturing equipment from GarudaFood...