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Regulatory updates on food trade and commercial breakthroughs on product safety.

Asia Pacific: Cargill wins award for green practices in Indonesia

Five palm oil mills at Cargill’s PT Hindoli (Hindoli) and PT Harapan Sawit Lestari (HSL) oil palm plantations in Indonesia were recently recognized for...

Middle East: Manufacturers brace for food colors labeling in GCC

From January 1, 2017, all foods and beverages containing the colourants Allura Red AC (INS 129), Sunset Yellow (INS 110), Azorubine / Carmosine (INS...

Americas: International Paper’s facilities certified by GFSI

International Paper's US facilities in Kenton, Ohio and Visalia, California have achieved food safety certification by exceeding the standards of the benchmarking procedures as...

Americas: Few consumers are aware of GMO law

Consumers in the US are now more informed about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the benefits of their use in producing food, but many...

Europe: Corbion receives patent for technology

Corbion's new method for producing aqueous potassium lactate solutions, now patented in Europe, is simpler, and offers flavor, concentration and quality advantages over traditional...

Americas: CHS opens sunflower processing facility

US confectionery sunflower processor CHS has opened a Fargo facility with pasteurization capabilities for its non-roasted sunflower products. It is reportedly the first sunflower...

Europe: Seminar on microbiological criteria

Campden BRI will hold a seminar on March 10, 2017 on the importance of microbiological criteria. It will discuss sampling for microbiological hazards, and describe...

Asia Pacific: Australian company, government partner on sustainable ingredients

Amyris and the Government of Queensland, Australia have announced a partnership to create a southeast hub of sustainable ingredients production for the rapidly-growing personal...

Americas: US law enforcers seized 4M pounds of product

The US Marshals Service seized more than four million pounds of product produced by Valley Milk Products LLC (Valley Milk) of Strasburg, Virginia, US...

Europe: EIT Food to transform region’s food sector

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) has announced EIT Food as the winner of a pan-European competition on the Food4Future call. EIT...