With a global network of cardboard suppliers who are certified according to the criteria of the ForestStewardship Council (FSC), from August 2016, 100% SIG Combibloc carton packs for food and beverages can be labelled with FSC logo.
“Hand in hand with that goes our commitment to ensuring that the cardboard we use for our carton packs comes 100% from certified sources,” says CEO Rolf Stangl.
“We believe the FSC certification system is currently the most credible and the most widely accepted system for sustainable forest management.”
“Globally, FSC-certified forests are still only available in a limited quantity.”
“We’re very proud of that, because it’s a key goal within our corporate strategy, the Corporate Compass.”
With its commitment to label 100% of all SIG carton packs with the FSC logo, SIG Combibloc is consistently continuing its past success in the responsible procurement and processing of materials.
For instance, the company’s production sites world-wide are certified in accordance with the FSC’s criteria for a continuous product chain of custody (CoC), which provides documentary evidence of the high environmental standards.
It also has enabled SIG Combibloc to offer food packaging carrying the ‘FSC Mix’ label.