Tag: Research
Europe: £81.6M Quadram Institute for food and health research
Norwich Research Park will house the Quadram Institute, a centre for food and health research.
Building of a new £81.6 million (US$116.23 million) facility to...
Europe: Probiotic shown to protect against pathogen infection in the gut
A collaborative study by researchers on the Norwich Research Park has indicated how certain probiotic bacteria can help reduce infection by pathogenic E. coli.
Europe: Early peanut consumption will offer lasting protection, finds study
The benefits of regularly consuming peanut-containing foods early in life to prevent the development of peanut allergy persist even after stopping peanut consumption for...
Americas: Vitamin K2 in yoghurt found to raise K status
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently published a study that showed Vitamin K2 as MenaQ7 can be delivered and is highly bioavailable through yoghurt...
Europe: People need to consume for selenium to boost immunity, say...
A more thorough evaluation of selenium supplementation is needed, to better understand its benefits to our immune system, and the risks, according to a...
Europe: Tool for estimating vulnerability to food fraud
Wageningen University, RIKILT Wageningen UR and VU Amsterdam have launched the Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment tool (FFVA) for companies to approximate their vulnerability to...
Americas: Nutrient slowed cancer cell growth in early-stage breast cancer
One of the first clinical studies to look at the effect of sulforaphane on breast tissues of women diagnosed with breast cancer showed that...
Europe: Portable system created to detect pathogens onsite
In collaboration with academia and industry, researchers at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Nanotech have developed a new portable lab-on-a-chip platform suitable for...
Europe: Research finds the elderly feel helpless with retail packaging
Packaging on supermarket goods can leave ‘older’ consumers feeling powerless and vulnerable, according to a study carried out at the University of Portsmouth.
Issues such...
Europe: Conference hosts 4 EU project presentations
Results from four major European Union (EU)-funded nutrition projects exploring weight management, heart disease and healthy ageing are to be presented at Vitafoods Europe...