IMCD opens an office in Tokyo, Japan with Shunsaku Kubo as MD IMCD Japan effective 1 April, 2016.
Kubo holds a Bachelor degree of Chemical Engineering from the Kobe University in Japan and MBA from University of Leicester in UK.
He has 24 years of experience in senior managerial positions, having worked for some of the leading chemical companies.
“We have some very strong relationships with leading Japanese suppliers of high quality ingredients and by opening of this office we want to be closer to them and further strengthen that good relationship,” says Gabriele Bonomi, executive committee member of IMCD.
“In addition, we intend to bring some of our existing top class suppliers to the Japanese market, utilizing our global market presence and product knowledge.”
Japan joins IMCD’s expanding network of active countries within the Asia-Pacific region, namely Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.