Anuga FoodTec will host 1,700 producers and packagers from more than 50 countries for the food industry on 140,000 sqm of exhibition space from March 20 to 23, 2018, says show organizer Koelnmesse.
Besides product and solutions, there will be lectures, conferences, forums, guided tours, special events and networking events for exhibitors and visitors under the theme Resource Efficiency.
At the opening conference, speakers from the Hamburg Environmental Institute, Rabobank, World Packaging Organisation and the University of Stuttgart will speak on optimising production processes, reducing the energy and water consumption and minimising food loss.
During the guided tours, exhibitors will showcase their offerings live on-site, including robotics, Industry 4.0, more flexibility in the filling and packing technology, meat and dairy technologies as well as packing materials.
Registrations for the tours open from 24 January, 2018.
Other live presentations are available at the Speakers Corner and events, as well as exhibitor booths offering live demonstrations of their products.