The Foods Standards Agency (FSA) has pledged its support to UK’s resource efficiency charity WRAP that brings together organizations from across the food system to make food and drink production and consumption more sustainable for the future.
FSA is a founding signatory in WRAP’s Courtauld 2025 campaign which will:
• Reduce the resource intensity of the UK’s food and drink by one-fifth, saving £20 billion (US$28.69 billion) in 10 years.
• Bring together leading organizations from across the food chain to work together to tackle food and drink waste, greenhouse gas emissions and water intensity.
• Gather signatories including all major UK food retailers, brands, food service companies, trade bodies and local authorities (90 have signed up).
The FSA will build on the work it has done with WRAP and Love Food Hate Waste already to help people reduce food waste and get more value from the food and drink they buy.