IFF becomes the first flavors and fragrances company to join Together for Sustainability (TfS), thereby banding with multi-national member companies to ensuring sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.
Established in 2011, the TfS initiative has brought together 18 international chemical companies to date.
TfS AISBL is a joint initiative of chemical companies for sustainable supply chains.
It aims to develop and implement a global program to assess, audit and improve sustainability practices within the supply chains of the chemical industry.
It is focused on implementing a standardized global supplier engagement program for responsible procurement of goods and services in the chemical industry and improving sustainability practices of suppliers.
“This endeavor complements our past efforts and works to solidify our future efficiency goals,” says executive VP, global operations, Francisco Fortanet.
“With this collaboration, we will help to create an ecosystem of customers, suppliers and partners who are committed to transparency and accountability.”