Tag: ACS
Americas: Researchers develop nontoxic antifreeze product from food additive
The sweet taste and smell of antifreeze tempts children and animals to drink the poisonous substance, resulting in thousands of accidental poisonings in the...
Asia Pacific: Low calorie rice is possible with fat, processing, say...
Scientists have developed a new, simple way to cook rice that could cut the number of calories absorbed by the body by more than...
World: Olive oil found to withstand frying heat, find researchers
Frying is one of the world’s most popular ways to prepare food such as fried chicken and french fries, as well as candy bars...
Did you know what causes garlic breath?
Garlic is good for your body, great for your taste buds, but terrible for your breath.
Researchers have found that that four compounds in chopped...
Americas: Edible films infused with essential oils could keep bread fresh...
A study from American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry reports the development of new edible films containing oils from clove and...
Americas: Study shows key chocolate ingredients could help prevent obesity, diabetes
Scientists are researching on the ingredients in chocolate that might help prevent obesity, type-2 diabetes and potential health benefits such as improved thinking, decreased...
Americas: Whey beneficially affects diabetes, cardiovascular disease risk factors in obese...
New evidence shores up findings that whey protein, which is found in milk and cheese, could have health benefits for people who are obese...
Asia Pacific: Chinese researchers create color-coded smart tag for food safety
A color-coded smart tag could tell consumers whether a carton of milk has turned sour or a can of green beans has spoiled without...
Americas: Researchers found tequila plant a possible sweetener for diabetics
A sweetener created from the plant used to make tequila could lower blood glucose levels for people with type 2 diabetes and help in...
Americas: Honey is a new approach to fighting antibiotic resistance, say...
Honey could be a solution to the serious, ever-growing problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, said researchers.
Medical professionals sometimes use honey successfully as a...