Creative Edge Software announces the immediate availability of a major upgrade to the real-time three dimensional (3D) packaging design and visualization software, IC3D Suite.
Created for brand owners, packaging pre-press and packaging printing companies, IC3D Suite simplifies and speeds up the creation and visualization of packaging products of all kinds—including bottles, flexible packages, cartons, bags, plastic containers and cans.
Used throughout the ideation and creation process, IC3D Suite allows users to instantaneously visualize the impact of certain design decisions, create pack shots, POS and retail shelving product comparisons.
The software allows any two dimensional (2D) graphic artist to create 3D models and apply artwork on them in order to visualize what the real final package will look like.
3D modeling capabilities
IC3D Suite features pre-built models, complimented by a series of editable model templates.
The templates allow users to adjust the size and tweak the appearance of different types of bags, bottles, cartons and more.
Version 3 of IC3D Suite now introduces the 3D Shape Modeller.
Based on 3D extraction, it is a powerful addition to the IC3D arsenal of creative tools allowing users to quickly and easily create advanced, asymmetrical 3D models using 2D shapes.
With the Shape Modeller packaging engineers and designers can now create any type of packaging such as molded containers and more complex models like perfume bottles and trigger sprays in a matter of minutes.
Shrink, undistorted
Using the software, packagers can apply a shrink-wrap foil on single or multiple items within seconds.
With the new undistort function, the user can pre-distort the artwork with production precision, ensuring that once the shrink is applied it appears completely undistorted as intended.
Native PDF artwork
IC3D Suite interacts with Illustrator to apply and edit artwork, enabling easy visualization in 3D the edits made in Illustrator.
With the software, PDF artwork can be placed directly on the 3D model without having to go through an external application.