Baker Perkins’ flat lollipop stick placer places, positions and secures the sticks in the molds prior to candy being deposited.
It ensures that the sticks are consistently positioned perpendicular to the lollipop in both planes for a consistent, high-quality appearance.
A servo controlled stick feeder places the stick in the moulds; an alignment mechanism then ensures they are all correctly positioned before being pressed into clips that hold them in position while the candy syrup is deposited and cooled around them.
Flat lollipops are ideal carriers of character merchandising linked to television, films and video games.
Depositing provides a very clear image on high-quality candy, allowing premium positioning.
The company also supply high-capacity ServoForm systems for three dimensional, ball and double ball lollipops in a variety of shapes.
Varying the colours, flavours, patterns, fillings and textures offer product variety and flexibility compared to die forming processes.
The ServoForm lollipop depositor can produce lollipops in up to four colours, with a multi-component capability providing solid, layered and striped options.
All products can be produced in sugar-free varieties, and there is also the ability to add medicinal or nutraceutical elements.