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Tag: Authority

Americas: USFDA rolls out plan to protect babies and young children...

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has released a new action plan, Closer to Zero, that is aimed at reducing exposure to...

Americas: Salmonella outbreak linked to hot peppers

A multistate outbreak of Salmonella Anatum infections was detected in the US in June 2016. It involved 32 patients from nine states with illness onset...

Asia Pacific: Lupin added to allergen declaration list

Food Standards Australia and New Zealand has added lupin to the list of nine allergens that must be declared on food labels. Food businesses will...

Europe: FAO report raises forecasts for cereal production, stocks

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 172.6 points in October, up 0.7% for the month and 9.1% from a year earlier, with the staple...

Europe: EFSA finalizes food guidance

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published two guidance documents on novel food and traditional food from third countries to help ensure that these foods are safe...

Europe: Region reports Salmonella Enteritidis outbreak

Seven countries have reported human cases of Salmonella Enteritidis between May 1 and October 12, 2016 (112 confirmed and 148 probable). Cases have been reported...

Europe: Samples show pesticide residues in food in legal limits

inety-seven percent of food samples collected in the European Union are free of pesticide residues or contain traces that are within legal limits. The...

Europe: EFSA awards duo for app

Loana Furcoi and Roberto Capuano have won first prize with 'EFSA to the people', an app that uses optical character recognition technology to perform...

Asia Pacific: FSANZ calls for comments on safe food packaging

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for submissions on a proposal investigating chemical migration from packaging into food and whether existing regulations...

Europe: EU faces rising antimicrobial resistance, warns authorities

Bacteria in humans, food and animals continue to show resistance to the most widely used antimicrobials, says the latest report on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)...