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Tag: Americas

Americas: FMC introduces marine omega-3 concentrates at show

FMC and its health and nutrition division has expanded its global range of marine omega-3 concentrates with the availability of four omega-3 ingredients under...

Americas: Consumer demand for refrigerated meat, meals remain strong, finds report

More branded refrigerated meals and meats are offering convenience, health, and creativity or originality in terms of flavors and ingredients, according to a Packaged...

Americas: Cargill’s report finds more consumers intend to purchase omega-3 oils

At least 98% of consumers have now heard of omega-3 oils and more are likely to purchase products containing α-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid...

Americas: Seafood firm King Oscar uses opening system from Ardagh

Norwegian seafood firm, King Oscar, has chosen Ardagh’s Easy Peel aluminium can end as a new and improved approach to can openability, which comprises...

Americas: Zebra Technologies, ARM partner to connect devices to the Internet...

Zebra Technologies and semiconductor intellectual property supplier ARM have signed a commercial licensing agreement for Zebra to use ARM’s CoAP and other ARM mbed technologies within...

Americas: Kemin phenolic complex sourced from spearmint for use in dietary...

Kemin launches Neumentix Phenolic Complex K110-42, a proprietary phenolic complex sourced from patent-pending, non-genetically modified organism (GMO) lines of the company's purpose-grown spearmint for...

Americas: Coveris to exit resin resale operation

Coveris has plans to exit the resin resale operation that is currently operating within the company’s European food and consumer business unit. Coveris says it...

Americas: Wacker presents hydroxytyrosol, cyclodextrin-curcumin formulation at SupplySide West 2014

Wacker showcased its nature-identical hydroxytyrosol and cyclodextrin-curcumin formulation at At SupplySide West 2014, in Las Vegas, US, this month. The company says its hydroxytyrosol is...

Americas: Owens-Illinois, Constellation Brands enters joint venture to produce glass containers...

Owens-Illinois (OI) has agreed to enter into a 50-50 joint venture with Constellation Brands to operate the glass container production plant in Nava, Mexico,...

Americas: Soft drink giant phases out equipment with HFCs, commits to...

PepsiCo has announced new goals for phasing out equipment with hydroflourocarbons (HFCs), signing both the Ceres Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy Climate...