Tag: ACS
Europe: Food waste could store solar, wind energy
Saving up excess solar and wind energy for times when the sun is down or the air is still requires a storage device.
Americas: Vanilla needs to be natural, report
Food scientists are scrambling for new ways to produce vanillin — the main vanilla flavor molecule — without losing the natural label, according to...
Americas: Tasting with the nose might be possible, study
Scientists may be closing in on a way to let consumers savor the sweet taste of cake, cookies and other culinary delights without the...
Asia Pacific: Fruit protein back in the spotlight
High-fructose corn syrup and sugar are on the outs with calorie-wary consumers.
As a result, low- and no-calorie alternatives have become popular, and soon,...
Asia Pacific: Super-toasted bread a possible foam material, find Chinese researchers
Sturdy, lightweight carbon foam has many structural and insulating applications in aerospace engineering, energy storage and temperature maintenance.
Current methods to create this material...
Americas: Hops may fend off breast cancer, say researchers
Hops, the flower cones used in beer-making, are found in dietary supplements designed to help treat post-menopausal symptoms and other conditions.
Scientists are now...
Asia Pacific: Seaweed found to counter allergies
Scientists have found that a type of commercial red algae could help counteract food allergies.
They report their findings in mice in American Chemical...
Asia Pacific: Eat less to live longer, find researchers
Overeating can lead to health issues that can shorten one's life, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
On the other end of the...
Asia Pacific: Study finds seaweed may help fight food allergies
Scientists have found that a type of commercial red algae could help counteract food allergies.
They report their findings in mice in American Chemical...
Americas: Bananas can help prevent blindness, say researchers
Carotenoids, which are found at various levels in different banana cultivars, are important vitamin precursors for eye health.
In a study published in American...