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Tag: World

World: Nestlé opens extrusion line in Egypt

Nestlé has inaugurated its first confectionery plant in Egypt. The new extrusion line at the company’s existing dry goods factory will produce Crunch. “Since 2011, we...

Europe: Analyst shares tips on successful new functional product launches, finds...

Relying too much on a health benefit to differentiate a new food or beverage is the most common reason for failure in functional foods...

World: Henkel holds forums on food safe packaging in USA, Indonesia

After several Food Safe Packaging Forums in Europe, Henkel has now hosted its first events for the industry in Asia and in North America...

World: Market to see more high protein products with alternatives, analyst...

Innova Market Insights shared about the growing market interest in high protein products and lines with show visitors at IFT Food Expo in New...

World: Parts of Asia, Africa at risk of animal-borne diseases, finds...

A new global study mapping human-animal diseases like tuberculosis (TB) and Rift Valley fever finds that an "unlucky" 13 zoonoses are responsible for 2.4...

World: Plastics packaging still favored in markets due to cost, performance

The global food packaging market seems to have reached a plateau in terms of technology and its ability to protect and extend the life...

World: Probiotic ingredient obtains regulatory approvals in 60 countries with hard...

Ganeden Biotech’s patented probiotic ingredient GanedenBC30 has obtained regulatory approvals in more than sixty countries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America and...

World: Unilever’s program to grow tea sustainably with technology

Unilever says it is embarking on a tea research and development program aimed at safeguarding future tea supply using 21st century plant breeding methods...

Asia Pacific: Fonterra affirms importance of milk on World Milk Day

No matter where in the world, milk is either part of, or fast becoming part of people’s daily lives, and the 14th annual World...

World: Nampak wins three WorldStar awards for packaging solutions

Nampak has won awards for the Poltek live bird crate, Easy open easy pour Castle Lite can and Cadbury re-sealable chocolate packaging at the...