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Asia Pacific: Japan’s plastics packaging sales to reach US$13.8B

Japan’s plastic packaging sector sales topped US$13.8 billion on a total production shipment volume of 3,510,000 tons in FY2013-14, according to a report from...

Europe: Big data holds promise for the food industry, say researchers

There is yet untapped potential in the food sector by combining data in the entire value chain from farm to fork, according to report...

Asia Pacific: Asian parents pay attention to children’s food, finds report

About 82% of parents surveyed worldwide and 86% of mothers and fathers in Asia place great value on natural food and drinks in order...

World: Global aseptic packaging to grow 24% by 2020, finds report

The world market for aseptically packed products amounted to over 140 billion liters in 330 billion packs during 2014, according to the new Global...

Americas: US’ Open Mike beer cans use Crown’s 360 End Technology

Mike Hess Brewing (MHB) introduces its Open Mike beer can, featuring Crown Holdings’s patented 360 End technology. A simple pull tab removes the entire...

Europe: UK consumers found to have low awareness of acrylamide risk, finds FSA report

The levels of acrylamide that people consume are usually estimated using dietary survey data and laboratory-cooked samples. These often fail to fully take account of...

Americas: Multistate foodborne disease outbreaks sicken thousands, finds report

Multistate outbreaks cause more than half of all deaths in foodborne disease outbreaks despite accounting for 3% of reported outbreaks in the US, according...

Americas: Consumers appear unfazed by WHO study on health risks of eating foods, finds...

The World Health Organization study released in October 2015 showed a link between processed and red meat consumption and cancer raises the question, will...

Europe: Understand context on food classifications, says IFR

The International Agency for Research on Cancer's (IACR) announcement that processed meat is a cause of cancer, and that red meat is a probable...

Americas: Time, place, season influence snack choices, finds report

Consumers’ tastes for savory and sweet snacks is determined by the time of day, and better-for-you snack consumption is predicated more by place, according...