

Home Reports Page 30

Americas: Report says US meat and related products to grow

The US food industry is forecast to grow at a steady rate of 2.9% compound annual growth rate through 2022, according to the 2016...

Europe: More Germans buy eggs produced with animal welfare

There are over 37 million laying hens in Germany producing 11 billion eggs every year, giving an average consumption of around 218 eggs per...

Europe: Energy drink, alcohol combo worries Irish body

There is a massive increase in the number of products on sale compared with 2002 and some brands containing up to 16 teaspoons of...

Americas: US Boomers eat 90.4B ready-to-eat snack eatings a year, says report

Boomers eat ready-to-eat snack food 20% more often than Millennials do, according to NPD Group’s daily tracking of US consumers snacking habits. While Millennials overtook...

Americas: Mixed definition of ‘clean’ on labels among consumers, finds survey

'Clean label' continues to be the on-trend fast-moving consumer goods buzzword but there is a lack of consensus over what 'clean' really means to...

World: Survey finds natural claims on pack boosts consumerism

Natural color solutions can provide food and beverage manufacturers with a major edge over their competitors. By removing artificial and additive colors, manufacturers can meet...

Americas: Consumer consumption behavior challenges manufacturers

Evolving attitudes and behaviors are creating shifts in the foods and beverages consumers choose. Consumers in the US are using fewer dishes and ingredients in...

Americas: Supermarket stores see success in prepared foods counters, finds study

  Most supermarket stores (64%) witnessed prepared foods category growth of 9% or higher in 2014, according to a survey conducted by Food Marketing Institute...

World: More are scrutinizing artificial colors, finds survey

Women and men from all around the world are becoming increasingly sensitive towards products they consider unnatural. Additives such as artificial colors and flavors have...

Americas: Evolving, traditional drivers influence buying decisions, finds report

Taste, price and convenience are no longer the sole deciding factors when people buy food and beverages, according to a new study, from Deloitte,...