Home Asia Pacific Asia Pacific: Ingredion gets GLHC claim in Australia for resistant starch

Asia Pacific: Ingredion gets GLHC claim in Australia for resistant starch

Ingredion has a self-substantiated General Level Health Claim (GLHC) for Hi-Maize resistant starch based on digestive health.

A systematic literature review was undertaken and updated as part of the self-substantiated GLHC process.

Through the systematic literature review, Ingredion was able to establish the food-health effect according to Schedule 6 Standard 1.2.7 – Nutrition, health and related claims of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.

The claim dossier, prepared collaboratively between Ingredion and an external consultant, proposed a claim stating that “Resistant Starch 2 (RS2) helps to maintain/support a healthy digestive system when consumed as part of a healthy diet made up of a variety of foods”.

The proprietary type of natural fiber made from corn is manufactured and marketed by Ingredion globally.

The resistant starch is an invisible, ‘white fiber’ for products like white breads, flat breads and pasta, popular consumer drinks such as fruit smoothies and protein shakes.

This helps consumers to eat more fiber without compromising taste and helping close the gap in fiber consumption.

When resistant starch reaches the bowel, it is broken down by ‘good’ bacteria to bring about beneficial changes to digestive health.

As well as boosting the activity of such healthy bacteria, Hi-Maize increases stool bulk and gives a mild laxative effect to promote ‘regularity’.

Studies have shown that in comparison with bran, resistant starch was well digested, produced an increase in daily stool weight and assisted passing.

It also protects the mucous layer within the colon which is believed to help protect colon cells.

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