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Tag: taste

Americas: Tasting with the nose might be possible, study

Scientists may be closing in on a way to let consumers savor the sweet taste of cake, cookies and other culinary delights without the...

Americas: Genes may affect one’s sense of taste, researchers suggest

A set of genes may affect a person’s perception of sweet taste, regardless of whether the sweetener is a natural sugar or a non-caloric...

Americas: Purdue scientists name fat as sixth taste

Fat should be considered the sixth taste and can be called oleogustus, according to a study from Purdue University. "Most of the fat we eat...

Americas: Umami taste heightens in a flight, says scientists

While examining how airplane noise affects the palate, Cornell food scientists found sweetness suppressed and a tasty, tender tomato surprise: umami. A Japanese scientific term,...

Europe: Arla Foods Ingredients’ ingredient produces low-fat cheeses

Arla Foods Ingredients has developed a whey protein solution that enables dairies to produce low-fat soft ripened cheeses that taste as good as the...

Europe: Researcher finds how saliva affects perception of food

A study at the Institute of Food Research (IFR) has shown how common chemicals found in foods and oral hygiene products can alter the...

Europe: Consumer insight, testing, teamwork create packaging concepts, Ardagh Group tells...

Norwegian seafood firm, King Oscar, has chosen Ardagh’s Easy Peel aluminum can end as a new and improved approach to can openability, which comprises...

Europe: Baker Perkins’ 16-stream die for co-extrusion systems for snacks

Baker Perkins launches a new 16-stream die for its co-extrusion systems for snacks. The die, with a previous maximum of 12 streams, is part of...

Americas: Better-tasting, reduced-fat desserts, dressings, sauces may be a reality, say...

Adjusting the calcium level and acidity could be the key to developing new better-tasting, more eye-appealing and creamier reduced-fat sauces, desserts and salad dressings...