Home Countries Europe: Packaging, food source can be sustainable, states Summit

Europe: Packaging, food source can be sustainable, states Summit

The food industry needs to take greater steps towards sustainable development, according to discussions at the Sustainable Foods Summit, hosted in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on June 4 to 5, 2015.

Soil fertility, carbon management, regulatory framework, and sustainable food production were stated as major areas of concern.

Speakers at the event highlighted the following:

– Food pyramids show the healthiest food, such as organic and health foods, has the lowest environmental impact.

– Private labels can be successful with sustainable products

– Brands should put design at the heart of packaging decisions for green packaging

– Adopt sustainable packaging solutions such as bioplastics, cellulose films and origami-style packaging for chocolate.

The 7th European edition of Summit has brought together 130 senior executives from the food industry.

Sustainability discussions will continue in 2016 at the US, the Netherlands and Mexico.

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